
Useful Tips To Help You Stick To Your New Year’s Resolutions This Year

Hello lovelies!

First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!

It’s 2017, time really flies! (honestly don’t know why it’s posted as 29 Dec 2016 when I published this post on 1st Jan 2017) With the new year, I know many of you have come up with your New Year’s Resolutions, but how long will they last?


That’s what you might be thinking of right now. I’ve witnessed too many people around me come up with wonderful and brilliant New Year’s Resolutions at the start of the year but either gave up halfway, or totally disregarded it after the first few weeks. Many of them couldn’t even remember what their New Year’s Resolutions were by the end of the year. Tragic.

For those of you who can stick to your resolutions and accomplish them, omg you’re amazing.

Creating New Year’s Resolutions is a great thing, because it is the first step towards you becoming a better person. But that’s not enough. After we’ve decided on what we want to work on in the new year, we need to stick to it and constantly work on it. No doubt, this is the hardest part, and also the part where most people struggle with.

I’m no exception. Besides the witnessing of people around me abandon their resolutions, I’ve also been there done that. No shame. I was just like everyone else. But over the years, I tried and experimented with different ways that might help me stick to my resolutions better and today, I’m here to share them with you. I’m definitely not the best at it, but I’m trying to work on it and I’ve found some things helpful which is why I want to share them with you, in hopes that they might be of some help to you!

Be realistic with your New Year’s Resolutions

I cannot stress the importance of this. It is always important to start things the right way as they determine how your process will be. By starting things right, you’re already one more step closer to success.

Now, when setting your New Year’s Resolutions, it’s really important to be realistic with it. While you’re setting them, ask yourself these two questions.

Is this something I really want or am I just in the heat of the moment?

Is this something I can achieve within my control or does it depend on someone/something else?

If your resolutions are set in the heat of the moment or if they depend on someone or something else, then the likelihood of you accomplishing them is pretty low, mainly because you’re more likely to give up on them. Once you’re out of the ‘moment’, you’ll lose your motivation to work for that resolution.

Also, I don’t recommend setting your goals too high, as the further away it seems from you reaching them, the more likely you are to give up. Think about it. Imagine you’re trapped in a dark tunnel and you see light 10m ahead, compared to when you see light 100m ahead maybe. Which will motivate you more? The first one.

It’s the same thing. We’re more likely to be motivated by goals that appear attainable.


Don’t be greedy

This is something that’s pretty common. I’ve been there as well.

At the start of the year, we get so motivated and we want to work on so many things that we come up so many New Year’s Resolutions.

And what do we get out of them?

Close to nothing.

The more New Year’s Resolutions we set for ourselves, the more things we have to focus on and this results in less attention being put into each of the goals. So unless you’re confident in being able to work on many areas at the same time, I don’t recommend having more than 5 New Year’s Resolutions at once. Pick the top few areas you really want to work on and focus on them. Dedicate yourself to them. I remember when I set too many goals for myself, I ended up struggling to even remember what I planned for myself, let alone work on them. And this brings me to my next point.


Write it down

Keep a small notebook, planner, anything you look at a lot, and write it down. With so many things happening in life everyday, it’s easy to overlook and forget our plans. In order to constantly remind ourselves of it, I really recommend doing this.


Work out monthly goals to achieve the big thing

This not only helps us to keep track of our growth, it also ensures that we’re on task and not get lost halfway. Similar to my first point, it can be hard to achieve a long term goal simply because it seems so far away and so unreachable, so having monthly goals will keep us going and this has worked so well y’all. Personally, I feel so much more motivated to work for short term goals than long term ones, which is also why this works well for me.


Surround yourself with motivation

It’s easy to lose motivation. A bad day, sudden situations, stress, these can all be in our way. I found that it works if I put things that motivates me around. It can be pictures, quotes, items, anything that works for you. When you lose motivation, just look at these things and you might feel a little more motivated. Don’t give up!


Begin with the end in mind

This might be the one that worked best for me. Things can get tough, and you would want to give up. Maybe you’re in pain, maybe it’s a difficult situation, maybe it’s something tempting you. But always, always, always think about why you decided on that goal in the first place, and visualize where you want yourself to be at the end of it. When you begin with the end in mind, it just motivates you to be there, to become what you’ve been dreaming of and this is so powerful. It gives you the extra boost, it pushes you on. You know what you want so badly, and you know you really want it so you will work for it. Things will get difficult, and you might lose your direction, but with the end in mind, you will push through it. And I know, because you’re a strong individual. Just keep going, don’t give up. When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.


Remember, no pain no gain. I believe you can do it, and you have to believe in yourself.

I hope you found these tips useful and if you liked it, please hit the like and follow button! Let me know your thoughts in the comments and yep, that’s all for now.

Till next time!


Huge Taobao Clothes and Shoes Haul + Links!

Hello everyone!

Firstly, I’m sorry for disappearing for so long! I’ve been busy with school and exams for the past months, but that’s over for now, and that means more blog posts! Are you excited because I am.

Recently, I went to China to visit my grandparents and I decided to do some taobao shopping because it’s more convenient and I don’t have to buy through an agent, which is great, so like why not right. As many of you probably already know, shopping on taobao can be really tricky because there are many sellers offering the same item for different prices and many items don’t look like the pictures that sellers offer, in fact, far from them.

I got a little too excited with taobao shopping this time and bought quite a few items. Today, I’m going to share the clothes and shoes that I bought and if you’re interested in any you can click on the links to purchase them!

Without further ado, let’s begin.


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| Details: | yellow halter top | ripped jean shorts | white shoes |

I absolutely love this outfit because it’s so comfortable yet inexpensive!

Top: This halter top honestly surprised me, in a good way though, as it’s really really comfortable and the length is just nice for me. To be honest, I hardly own clothes that are this bright because I tend to dress plain and monochromatic, but I am in love with the color of this top and it’s a really nice color to wear in summer (which is like.. everyday.)!

Shorts: To be honest I was pretty apprehensive about buying shorts online at first as it’s hard to find a pair that fits nicely. However I decided to try my luck after talking to a friend about it. I was really careful with the measurements and omg, I am in love with this pair of shorts. It’s not too tight, neither is it too loose. Also, it is nicely ripped, a really plus point. The waist is a little too big for me, but not to the extent of it slipping off or anything, so I just wore it with a belt. No biggie!

Shoes: I really wanted a pair of plain white shoes that looked chunkier, so when I found this on taobao I was pretty excited. But when I first tried it on after its arrival, I was slightly disappointed. I’m not sure if it’s because I was wearing 2 layers of pants back in China or because I didn’t wear it properly, but it didn’t look chunky at all. I decided to try again and guess what, I like it. It still doesn’t look that chunky, but it’s okay, it’s a lot better than the last time and it doesn’t look too bad! They’re pretty comfortable to wear and for this price, it’s a pretty good buy. For this pair, the sizing isn’t that accurate, so be careful!

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| Details: | white off the shoulder top | ripped jean shorts | white shoes |

Top: There are a lot of off the shoulder tops lately and I wanted to get one for myself to try (this is my first). There’s only one size for this item, but the band on the top can stretch pretty well. I was worried that it might slip off or something but no it actually stays pretty well I am impressed. On its own, the fabric is pretty sheer, but when you wear it you can hardly see through it, probably because its more flowy and loose fitting. The material is on the thinner side, but it’s not super super thin. I’m not sure what material it is, but it’s pretty smooth to touch and it feels quite nice hahah!


| Details: | top from brandy melville | black skirt | white shoes | black shoes |

Skirt: I’ve wanted a plain black skirt for some time now and I couldn’t find one that I like in stores. I didn’t know if I wanted to buy this skirt at first because the negative comments were pretty.. convincing. But as you can see, I risked it. The skirt isn’t too bad, but it’s not the best. The material is stretchy but a little too thin for my liking. I usually prefer my skirts to be thicker and harder so I’d feel more secure wearing it. I like the simple details on the skirt (you can’t really tell from here) as well as the frayed ends and they really make the simple skirt a little more unique! One thing I don’t really like about this skirt is that when you wear it there will be this part at the back that sticks out a little. Some of you might find this okay but for some it really bugs them.

Black shoes: Omg everyone. I’ve saw shoes similar to this a lot and I’ve always wanted a pair. Now, I am obsessed. It’s so cute and really really comfortable. Furthermore, it’s so inexpensive. How much better can it get? The only thing is that the shoes had this chemical/glue smell when it first arrived but it didn’t bother me. This is probably the item that costed the most out of everything I bought but, no regrets. No more words needed, life is great!

This is all for the clothes I bought. Overall I’m really happy with the items and I would call it a success! Let me know if you enjoyed this post and if you bought anything, I’ll love to know.

Do like and follow if you enjoyed this post!

Till next time!

Easy DIY Jewelry Dish

Hi all, it’s me again!

Not back with a review this time, but a DIY!

Ever see pretty jewelry dishes around in stores and get a huge shock after looking at the price tag? Yup, that’s me, every single time. Jewelry dishes can be really tumblr and pretty, and they can also be really overpriced. Therefore, I decided to try making my own and honestly, it was so much easier than I thought!

Materials you’ll need:

  • Super glue
  • Paint brush (any size is fine but it’ll be harder to paint with smaller brushes)
  • Palette (or anything that can hold the paint)
  • Porcelain dish
  • Paint (make sure that the paint can work on porcelain surfaces)
  • Fuzzy sticks
  • A pair of Scissors



I already had some silver fuzzy sticks at home so I just bought my paint in rose pink because I thought they would go well together.

It’s really important to use a clean brush to scoop paint out from the bottle because you don’t want any contamination! You can also choose to pour directly from the bottle, but make sure that you wipe off any paint on the rim of the bottle as dried paint will make it harder to remove the cap the next time.

After dipping my brush in paint, I painted my dish in one direction as I wanted my brush strokes to look neat. To be honest, I didn’t expect the dish to turn out the way it is at the beginning. I thought that the paint would be more opaque and less watery, but after a few strokes I realized that it was impossible to get a solid color, so I ended up going for the more translucent look instead (and now I think I like this look better than solid color!).

My paint was water-based so I didn’t have to actually add water to the paint or anything like that so if you want to create the translucent look then my guess would be to get paint that is more watery, or add water to your paint if it’s too thick.


However, I think I took too long and kept brushing parts of the paint that were drying, which lead to the rough looking spots on the dish. So for all of you out there that intend to try this out, please paint it fast and try not to brush those parts that are starting to dry up repeatedly like I did. Other than that, I’m quite happy with how the color and effect turned out! It was so pretty like omg and I was absolutely in love with the color!

After I was satisfied with the painting I left it to dry at one side and me being me, I played safe by waiting for about 20 minutes. I don’t think you actually need that long but then again different paint dries at different speed so you have to see how your paint performs.

As you can see from the picture above, the edges of the dish were a little unsightly so I decided to cover it with some fuzzy sticks! Actually that wasn’t part of my plan initially but since I had fuzzy sticks at home I might as well make good use of them right?

The process of sticking fuzzy sticks onto the dish requires a little patience so be prepared y’all. After ensuring that my paint has dried, I cut my fuzzy sticks into lengths that would fit the sides of the dish and stuck them to the dish using super glue. See, one requires a lot of patience when dealing with super glue because it gets all over the place and sometimes it’s just so runny that it becomes hard to stick things on accurately. Don’t give up though, you’re already at the last step.

Once you stick the fuzzy sticks on, leave it to dry and tada, you now have your very own jewelry dish! Not only does it look super good, but it is also really inexpensive  Moreover, it is handmade with love and you can choose whatever color combinations you want!


That’s all for now and feel free to let me know if you found this interesting or helpful! See ya.

The Cat Cafe

Hi all!

Recently I visited The Cat Cafe, a pet cafe, for the first time and I was really excited as I am a huge lover of cats and dogs. To be honest, I knew that there were cat cafes around in Singapore but I didn’t have the opportunity to make a trip down to experience it for myself until now. Late, I know, but better late than never!

The Cat Cafe is located at 241B Victoria Street level 3, just above Burger King. However, it is easily missed so do look out for banners around!

When I first entered the cafe, it wasn’t like what I imagined it to be. It wasn’t very big, but certainly enough for you to move around. This is what the interior looked like.

I love how we could choose between a table-seat and a floor-seat. There were a lot of cats around the cafe and I had fun trying to spot all of them. Most of the cats were sleeping though, not sure if it’s always like this or if it’s because I went at night. There weren’t that many people so it wasn’t very noisy and there was also soothing music playing in the background. Relaxing!

Definitely love at first sight.


Although the charges were a little pricey at $15, it was per entry so you can stay however long you want. Since it was getting late, I didn’t stay for very long but it was definitely a unique experience and I would definitely consider going back again.

For all the cat lovers out there, I highly recommend visiting this place. After all, who can resist enjoying a cup of tea with these adorable creatures around?

My tip for everyone that intends to visit the cafe would be to make sure that your phone or camera has enough battery to last you for your entire duration there. It would be a pity to not snap some amazing photos there!

For more information, you can visit their website here.You can also call them at 63386815 or email them at info@thecatcafe.sg.